5 Common Roofing Mistakes to Observe
From heat exposure to rain to strong winds, your roof needs to endure Texas’s harsh weather to protect the structural integrity of your home and shield you and your family from the elements.
Over time, these inclement conditions take a toll, and roof repairs or replacement may be necessary to keep your home in tip-top shape.
A professional roofer can provide the services you need to protect the structural health of your home. However, common roofing mistakes persist among inexperienced roofing contractors, and these mistakes may result in further expenses to repair the less-than-quality job.
At Wharton Roofing LLC, we provide our customers with comprehensive, high-quality roofing services. In addition to our guide to hiring a roofer, we’ve compiled a list of the most common roofing mistakes some contractors make so you can be on the lookout.
Mistake #1: Leaving Old Shingles
While some states don’t legally require contractors to remove old shingles before placing new ones, doing so can lead to considerable damage over time. Layering new shingles over the old ones can result in air pockets and small crevices that collect moisture. If left unattended, these areas can rapidly deteriorate and lead to costly damage.
Mistake #2: Neglecting Proper Nail Placement
Another common mistake many contractors make is placing nails improperly. Particularly with shingle roofing, nail placement is critical in ensuring long-lasting results. Poorly placed nails can lead to structural issues, tearing, and even holes in the shingles. This kind of damage can quickly spiral out of control, leading to roof leaks and other problems that require immediate repair.
Mistake #3: Incorrectly Installing Flashing
Flashing is a roofing material contractors use to increase the durability of your roof and protect features such as chimneys, skylights, and vents. Specifically, flashing protects your home from water damage by redirecting water flow.
Incorrect installation can involve reusing old flashing, neglecting proper alignment, and failing to fasten it securely to the roof. Any of these mistakes can result in an increased risk of water damage.
Mistake #4: Failing to Ensure Proper Ventilation
Of all the common roofing mistakes, failing to ensure proper ventilation can be one of the most costly. Your home’s attic is part of the foundation for your roof, requiring adequate ventilation to avoid excessive heat buildup. Without the necessary ventilation, your attic will quickly become too hot, and the increased heat can create structural problems in the roof.
Likewise, the lack of proper ventilation can also ruin the insulation, ultimately increasing your energy bill in addition to threatening your roof’s structural integrity.
Mistake #5: Displaying Poor Workmanship
This mistake is the most disappointing. If your contractor doesn’t care about the quality of their work, doesn’t show up on time, or doesn’t offer clear answers to your questions, it may be time to choose someone else for the job.
Let Wharton Roofing LLC Help
Getting a roof replacement doesn’t have to be stressful. You can avoid these common roofing mistakes by choosing Wharton Roofing LLC.
We provide the highest quality shingle and flat roofing services in Wharton. Contact Wharton Roofing LLC at (979) 534-2014 to schedule your free quote.